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VIRTUAL Super Regional
Regions II, VI, & VII




Check the Regional Meeting page on the NCURA Region VII website for full up to date details for the 2021 Regional Meeting


Check out the Region VI Announcements page for the latest R6 Announcements



2021 Regional Meeting Program Committee


Lisa Wottrich, SRI International (RVI)
Trisha Southergill, Montana State University (RVII)
Adam Greenberg, City University of New York (RII)
Theresa Caban, Lundquist Institute (RVI)
Natalie Buys, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (RVII)
Sandy Collier, University of Maryland (RII)
Alexa Van Dalsem, University of Colorado Boulder (RVII)
Ashley Stahle, Colorado State University (RVII)
Catherine Parker, The George Washington University (RII)
Gabriela Anglin, Weill Cornell Medicine (RII)
Kris Wolff, Fordham University (RII)
Liz Grinstead, Colorado State University (RVII)
Manilyn Matau, University of California, San Francisco (RVI)
Michiko Pane, Stanford University (RVI)

 ©2024 NCURA Region VI

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