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Region VI Bylaws

(Last Amended Dec 2023)

Administrative Policies

Region VI Admin Policies

(Last Amended February 2024)

Social Media Guidelines

National Council of University Research Administrators

Region VI (Western Region) Bylaws

(As amended August 2016)




The name of this organization shall be Region VI or the Western Region of the National Council of University Research Administrators.




In conformity with the National Council, the purpose of the Region is exclusively educational and assists individuals with professional interests in the administration of sponsored programs (research, education, and training) primarily at colleges and universities by:


A. Promoting the development of more effective policies and procedures relative to the administration of sponsored programs to assure the achievement of the maximum potential in academic programs;


B. Providing a forum through regional meetings for the discussion and exchange of information and experiences related to sponsored programs in colleges and universities;


C. Providing for the dissemination of current information and the exchange of views on mutual concerns; and


D. Promoting the development of college and university research administration and the administration of other sponsored programs as a professional field, and stimulating personal growth of the Regional members of the Council.




The membership shall be individuals who are members of the National Council of University Research Administrators and are affiliated with a qualifying institution within the Western Region as designated by the National Council.



A. The officers of the Region shall be a Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary, Secretary-elect, Treasurer, and Treasurer-elect.


B. Duties of the officers are specified in the Region's Administrative Policies.


C. The term of office of the Chair and Secretary shall be one year, beginning January 1. The Treasurer shall be for a two-year term, beginning January 1 and concluding December 31 of the following year.  The term of office of the Chair-elect and Secretary-elect, shall be one year beginning January 1 of the year following election.  Treasurer-elect shall be for a one-year term beginning January 1 of every other year. The Chair-elect in office when an incumbent Chair's term ends shall automatically succeed to the office of Chair. The Secretary-elect in office when an incumbent Secretary's term ends shall automatically succeed to the office of Secretary. The Treasurer-elect in office when an incumbent Treasurer's term ends shall automatically succeed to the office of Treasurer.


D. Election procedures shall be as prescribed in Article VI.


E. All Officers and Incoming Regional Advisory Committee members will take office on January 1 of each year.


F. If the office of Chair becomes vacant between elections due to death, resignation, or loss of member status, the Chair-elect will automatically succeed to the office of Chair. If the office of Secretary becomes vacant, the Secretary-elect will automatically succeed to the office of Secretary. If the office of Treasurer becomes vacant, the Treasurer-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Treasurer.


G. If the office of Chair-elect, Secretary-elect, or Treasurer-elect becomes vacant between elections due to death, resignation, or loss of member status, a special election by the Region membership to fill the unexpired term shall be implemented promptly by the Secretary. If the election process is unavoidably delayed, the Chair may appoint a qualified member to serve in the interim until the election is completed.




A. Regional Advisory Committee - The Regional Advisory Committee shall advise the Chair on regional business, develop strategies for regional activities, evaluate regional issues, and serve as a general sounding board for the Chair and the membership.


B. Other Regional Committees


1. The Advisory committee may create committees and appoint members, as appropriate and in good standing, on an as-needed basis to assist and-or perform tasks to facilitate regional business and activities.


2. The Chair may appoint members of the Region in good standing to ad hoc committees as needed from time-to-time to serve regional functions.


C. National Committees


1. The Region will elect one member to the Board of Directors of the National Council in accordance with Article VI of the Bylaws and in accordance with the Administrative Policies. Board members serve two year terms beginning on January 1 of odd-numbered years. If an elected Board member is unable to complete the full term of office and the remainder of the term is less than one year, the Chair may appoint a member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, otherwise a special election of the membership shall be held for the seat.




A. Election of the Chair-elect, the Secretary-elect, and the Treasurer-elect and one Regional Advisory Committee member shall occur every year. Election of a regional member to the National Board of Directors shall occur in even numbered years, with the successful candidates serving a two-year term effective January 1 of the following odd-numbered year. An individual many not serve concurrently as an elected National Officer or Board Member and as a Regional Officer.


B. Upon verification of each candidate’s willingness to serve, the Nominating Committee shall certify to the Secretary a slate of two candidates for each office or Board seat.


C. On or before September 1 in the year of election, the Secretary shall forward, via the National Office, an electronic ballot of two candidates for each open position to each member of the Region. NO later than thirty (30) days following the distribution of the ballots, the election shall be declared closed, the results reviewed by the Secretary, the record retained for audit, and the Chair immediately notified in writing of the election results. The Chair will notify all candidates of the results. The Chair will also report the results to the National Council's Executive Director and to the Region membership.


D. In the event that two or more candidates for a particular position receive the same number of votes, the candidates receiving equal number of votes shall engage in a runoff election and a new ballot shall be sent to each member of the Region. The Nominating Committee shall conduct the runoff election following the same procedures specified for the first balloting except that the Secretary shall forward a ballot to each member of the Region as soon as possible after the determination that a runoff election is required. Fifteen days (15) following the distribution of ballots, the election shall be declared closed. If any two or more candidates in such a runoff election receive the same number of votes then the tie shall be broken by a vote of the Regional Advisory Committee.




A. There will normally be an annual Regional Meeting, within or near the Region’s geographic boundaries, held as not to interfere with attendance at the National Council's Annual Meeting.


B. The Region will hold business meetings at the annual Regional Meeting and in conjunction with the National Council's Annual Meeting.


C. There may be other meetings of the Region subject to the approval of the elected officers.




No dues, over and above those of the National Council membership, shall be assessed on Regional members.




The Region shall develop a set of Administrative Policies that provide procedures to accomplish the business and professional activities of the Region. Changes in the Administrative Policies are the responsibility of the membership, and may be proposed by the Officers, Regional Advisory Committee or from any member of the region. Proposed changes must be approved by a majority vote of the Officers and Regional Advisory Committee members. Approved changes must then be reported to the Region membership no later than the next business meeting. A majority of the Regional members present at that business meeting may vote for reconsideration of any changes presented.




Amendment of the Bylaws may be recommended by the Officers or upon petition by 10% of the membership. Proposed changes shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary for a vote by the Region membership. The Secretary shall distribute the proposed changes and ballot to members within 60 days of receipt. Upon close of the voting period, the proposed changes shall be declared immediately effective if the majority voting cast an affirmative vote.

National Council of University Research Administrators

Region VI (Western Region) Bylaws

(As amended December 2023)


The name of this organization shall be Region VI or the Western Region of the National Council of University Research Administrators. Region VI is comprised of research administrators in the states of Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, as well as the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam.


Region VI serves its members and advances the field of research administration by promoting the sharing of knowledge through its locally accessible education and professional development programs, and fostering a regional sense of community through networking, volunteerism and leadership opportunities. by:

A. Providing a forum through Regional meetings for the discussion and exchange of information
and experiences related to sponsored programs in ; and

B. Providing for the dissemination of current information and the exchange of views on mutual


The membership shall be individuals who are members of the National Council of University Research Administrators within the Western Region as designated by the National Council.


A. The officers of the Region shall be a Chair, Vice-Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, Secretary-elect, Treasurer, and Treasurer-elect. These individuals shall constitute the Regional Executive Committee.

B. Duties of the officers are specified in the Region's Administrative Policies.

C. The term of office of the Chair and Secretary shall be one year, beginning January 1. The term of office of the Treasurer shall be two years, beginning January 1 and concluding December 31 of the following year. The term of office of the Vice Chair and Secretary elect shall be one year beginning January 1 of the year following election. The term of office of the Treasurer-elect shall be one year, beginning January 1 of every other year. The term of office of the Immediate Past Chair shall be one year, beginning January 1 of the year following service as Chair, and is a non-voting advisory role only. The Vice Chair shall automatically succeed to the office of Chair following the end of the incumbent’s term. The Secretary-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Secretary following the end of the incumbent’s term. The Treasurer-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Treasurer following the end of the incumbent’s term.

D. Election procedures shall be as prescribed in Article VI.

E. All Officers and incoming Regional Advisory Committee members will take office on January 1 of each year.

F. If the office of Chair becomes vacant between elections due to death, resignation, or loss of member status, the Vice Chair will automatically succeed to the office of Chair. If the office of Secretary becomes vacant, the Secretary-elect will automatically succeed to the office of Secretary. If the office of Treasurer becomes vacant, the Treasurer-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of Treasurer.

G. If the office of Vice Chair, Secretary-elect, or Treasurer-elect becomes vacant between elections due to death, resignation, or loss of member status, a special election by the Region membership to fill the unexpired term shall be implemented promptly by the Secretary. If the election process is unavoidably delayed, the Chair may appoint a
qualified member to serve in the interim until the election is completed.


A. Regional Advisory Committee - The Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) is comprised of the Officers, Officers-Elect, appointed and elected At-Large Members, and chairs of Regional Committees. The RAC shall advise the Chair on regional business, develop strategies for regional activities, evaluate regional issues, participate in/lead regional
initiatives, and serve as a general sounding board for the Chair and the membership.

B. Other Regional Committees

1. The Advisory Committee may create committees and appoint members, as appropriate and in good standing, on an as-needed basis to assist and/or perform tasks to facilitate regional business and activities.

2. The Chair may appoint members of the Region in good standing to ad hoc committees as needed from time-to-time to serve regional functions.

C. National Committees

1. The Region will elect one member to the Board of Directors of the National Council in accordance with Article VI of the Bylaws and in accordance with the Administrative Policies. Board members serve two-year terms beginning on January 1 of odd-numbered years. If an elected Board member is unable to complete the full term of office and the remainder of the term is less than one year, the Chair may appoint a member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term, otherwise a special election of the membership shall be held for the


A. Election of the Vice Chair, the Secretary-elect, and one Regional Advisory Committee member shall occur every year. Election of the Treasurer-elect shall occur every other year. Election of a regional representative to the National Board of Directors shall occur in even-numbered years, with the successful candidates serving a two (2) year term effective January 1 of the following odd-numbered year. An individual may not serve concurrently as an elected National Officer or Board Member and as a Regional Officer. 

B. Upon verification of each candidate’s willingness to serve, the Nominating Committee shall certify to the Secretary a slate of two candidates for each office or Board seat.

C. On or before September 1 in the year of election, the Secretary shall forward, via the National Office, an electronic ballot of two candidates for each open position to each member of the Region. No later than thirty (30) days following the distribution of the ballots, the election shall be declared closed, the results reviewed by the Secretary, the record retained for audit, and the Chair immediately notified in writing of the election results. The Chair will notify all candidates of the results. The Chair will also report the results to the National Council's Executive Director and to the Region membership.

D. In the event that two candidates for a particular position receive the same number of votes, the candidates receiving equal number of votes shall engage in a runoff election and a new ballot shall be sent to each member of the Region. The Nominating Committee shall conduct the runoff election following the same procedures specified for the first balloting except that the Secretary shall forward a ballot to each member of the Region, via the National Office, as soon as possible after the determination that a runoff election is required. Fifteen (15) days following the distribution of ballots, the election shall be declared closed. If any two candidates in such a runoff election receive the same number of votes, then the tie shall be broken by a vote of the Regional Advisory Committee.


A. There will normally be an annual Regional Meeting, within or near the Region’s geographic boundaries.

B. The Region will hold business meetings at the annual Regional Meeting and in conjunction with the National Council's Annual Meeting.

C. There may be other meetings of the Region subject to the approval of the elected officers.



No dues, over and above those of the National Council membership, shall be assessed on Regional members.


The Region shall develop a set of Administrative Policies that provide procedures to accomplish the business and professional activities of the Region. Changes in the Administrative Policies are the responsibility of the membership, and may be proposed by the Officers, Regional Advisory Committee, or from any member of the region. Proposed changes must be approved by a majority vote of the Officers and Regional Advisory Committee members. Approved changes must then be reported to the Region membership no later than the next business meeting. A majority of the Regional members present at that business meeting may vote for reconsideration of any changes presented.


Amendment of the Bylaws may be recommended by the Officers or upon petition by ten percent (10%) of the membership. Proposed changes shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary for a vote by the Region membership. The Secretary shall distribute the proposed changes and ballot to members, via the National Office, within sixty (60) days of receipt.  Upon close of the voting period, the proposed changes shall be declared immediately effective if the majority voting cast an affirmative vote.


National Council of University Research Administrators

Region VI (Western Region) Administrative Policies

(As amended February 2024)


I. Duties of the Officers

A. Regional Chair

The Regional Chair shall be the chief executive officer of the Region, having the responsibility of calling meetings, appointing committee members, and generally directing the activities of the Region. The Regional Chair shall be the second person authorized to sign checks drawn on the Region's account. The Regional Chair shall serve as chair of the
annual regional meeting or shall appoint a separate meeting chairperson.

B. Vice Chair

The Vice Chair shall be the second chief executive officer of the Region and shall assume the duties of the Regional Chair in their absence. The Vice Chair shall assume the office of Regional Chair at the expiration of the Chair’s elected term of office, or upon the death, recall, or resignation of the Chair. The Vice Chair shall assist the Regional Chair, as requested, in directing the activities of the Region.

C. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the minutes of the regional business meetings and the Regional Advisory Committee. The Secretary coordinates with the National Office regarding the official membership roster of the Region as needed. Minutes of regional business meetings shall be archived electronically. The Secretary will make appropriate reports at regional meetings. In addition, it shall be the responsibility of the Secretary to conduct annual Region elections.

D. Secretary-Elect

The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Secretary, as requested, and shall assume the duties of the Secretary in the Secretary’s absence. The Secretary-Elect shall assume the office of the Secretary at the expiration of the Secretary’s elected term of office, or upon the death, recall, or resignation of the Secretary.

E. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the Region. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection, deposit, and disbursement of funds and for the preparation of the Region's annual budget for endorsement by the Regional Chair.  The budget period will coincide with the National office budget period. The Treasurer will
ensure that expenditures follow National office policies. The Treasurer will make appropriate reports at regional meetings.

F. Treasurer-Elect

The Treasurer-Elect shall assist the Treasurer, as requested, in directing the financial activities of the Region and shall assume the duties of the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence. The Treasurer-Elect shall assume the office of the Treasurer at the expiration of the Treasurer’s elected term of office, or upon the death, recall, or resignation of the Treasurer.

II. Regional Committees

In general, committee members are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all committee proceedings. No aspect of the proceedings may be shared outside of the committee, and the identity of any award recipient will not be openly released by committee members until time of award or discussion at the regional level. The committee may request the assistance of the Region VI Chair, if necessary.


A. Regional Advisory Committee 


The Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) shall consist of members in good standing of the Region, in the positions detailed below. The Region Chair shall serve as Chair of the RAC. Every year, one at-large member will be elected by the Region membership and one at-large member will be appointed by the Region Chair. All at-large members will serve two-year terms beginning January 1. Members are eligible for reappointment or re-election to successive terms without restriction. If an elected member is unable to complete the full term of office, the Chair may appoint a member for the remainder of the term, with the concurrence of a majority of the Regional Advisory Committee.

RAC Membership Includes:

1. Current Region Chair (RAC Chair)
2. Vice Chair (voting)
3. Immediate Past Chair
4. Current Secretary
5. Current Treasurer
6. Secretary-elect (ex-officio, non-voting)
7. Treasurer-elect (ex-officio, non-voting)
8. Two Elected At-Large Members (one elected each year)
9. Two At-Large Members Appointed by the Chair (one appointed each year)
10. Chairs of the Standing Regional Committees (ex-officio, non-voting)

B. Awards and Recognition Committee

The Awards and Recognition Committee is responsible for soliciting and nominating recipients for Region VI recognition and travel awards. The purpose of the Awards and Recognition Program is to enhance professional development, provide assistance to support attendance at NCURA meetings, and to recognize those individuals and groups who have made special and noteworthy contributions to research administration and to the Region.  The Awards and Recognition Committee shall consist of at least three (3) individuals who are active Regional members. Committee members are asked to serve by the Committee Chair. The term of appointment is two years, and terms can be renewed.

C. Nominating and Elections Committee 

The Nominating and Elections Committee is responsible for managing the nominations and elections for the elected positions for Region VI, along with ELP and National Committee nominations as needed. The Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Region in good standing. Committee members are asked to serve by the Committee Chair by April 1 of each year. The term of appointment is two years, and terms can be renewed.

D. Membership and Volunteer Committee

The purpose of the Membership and Volunteer Committee is to welcome, facilitate, recruit, and engage Region VI members in their participation in regional activities.  The Membership and Volunteer committee will be led by two committee Chairs – one Chair responsible for the oversight of volunteers at NCURA meetings and another Chair
managing member outreach. The Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Region in good standing. Committee members are asked to serve by the Committee Chairs by April 1 of each year. The term of appointment is two years, and terms can be renewed.

E. Education & Professional Development Committee (EPDC)

The EPDC is responsible for identifying, creating, and administering educational and professional development opportunities for Region VI members. The EPDC also oversees the administration of the LeadMe professional mentorship program.  Committee members shall consist of at least five (5) members of the Region in good standing. Committee membership will include a Committee Chair, the LeadMe Region Chair and a current or former National Professional Development Committee member (if possible), and at least two members-at-large. Committee members are asked to serve by the Committee Chair by April 1 of each year. The term of appointment is two years, and terms can be renewed.

F. Marketing and Communications Committee

The purpose of the Marketing and Communication committee includes coordination of NCURA Region VI email communications/E-blasts to the membership and management of the NCURA Region VI website and the various Region VI social media accounts, including Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and YouTube. Committee membership should include a minimum of (5) members of the Region in good standing with assigned lead(s) for each of the following:

• Social Media, Website Announcements, and E-Blasts Coordination
• Website (Regional Meeting Webpage Updates)
• Website (All Other) 

Any additional social media platforms beyond those listed above and/or new website sections/content, may be proposed to the Region VI Chair by the Region VI Marketing and Communications Committee, or any member of the region. It is anticipated that the Region VI Marketing and Communications Committee will serve as a resource to the Chair by reviewing changes proposed by members, as well as those proposed within the Committee, and making recommendations to the Region VI Chair for their implementation into the web site. The Region VI Chair has the authority to approve any additional website section(s) and their content(s), to require review by other regional officers and/or by the Regional Advisory Council, or to defer review until the next Regional Business Meeting.  If additional section(s) are added, an assigned lead will be designated at the time any new section is added, and the Region VI Chair will so advise the Webmaster.  See Appendices below.  Committee members are asked to serve by the Committee Chair by April 1 of each year. The term of appointment is two years, and terms can be renewed.  


G. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee aims to create and sustain a membership that is diverse and inclusive, where all members have equal access to resources to support their professional growth and fair opportunities to contribute to the success of Region 6.  Committee members shall consist of at least five (5) members of the Region in good standing. Committee members are asked to serve by the Committee Chair by April 1 of each year. The term of appointment is two years, and terms can be renewed.

H. Ad hoc and Sub Committees

The Region VI Chair may appoint members of the Region in good standing to ad hoc Committees and / or Sub Committees as needed to meet the needs of the Region.


Appendix 1:Website Guidelines (first adopted October 21, 1996)

A. These guidelines are consistent with and intended to be complementary to those established for the National web site. Under the national guidelines, the Region VI Chair carries the responsibility for the Region VI Web site.

B. Overall Guidelines



  1. The Region VI Web site should be an open resource to the overall community.

  2. The Region VI Web site should not include information used as a revenue resource by the National or Regional offices without specific approval. This includes advertisements (including national job postings), membership mailing lists, and brochures that are sold for a fee.

  3. Links from the Web site to commercial entities that provide useful information to NCURA members are permitted. Such links will be provided at no cost. 

  4. Any opinions that may be construed as being the opinion of NCURA should not be included on the Region VI Web site, unless specifically approved by the Regional Chair and the NCURA Executive Committee.

  5. Personal opinions should not be included on the Region VI Web site unless authorized by the President of NCURA.

  6. Permission shall be obtained for the use of materials on the Region VI Web site that are developed by others and not currently available on an open web site. This includes written material developed by other professional organizations, whether it has been copyrighted, and program, conference, or teaching materials, etc. prepared

  7. by individuals. When such items are included, they should be accompanied by a notice stating that it is being used with permission.

  8. The Region VI Web site may be used in conjunction with the Region VI Listserv as a vehicle to call for nominations for office, distribute information on candidates, and conduct elections, including the distribution and return of an electronic ballot in conformance with NCURA National practices

Admin Policies

National Council of University Research Administrators

Region VI Social Media Guidelines

This document outlines the guidelines and best practices for usage of social media and communications on behalf of NCURA Region VI and is intended to supplement the NCURA Social Media Policy Statement.


NCURA Region VI’s use of social media is designed to advance the NCURA Region VI brand by delivering content that is timely, purposeful and professional. These Guidelines provide guidance regarding appropriate and acceptable usage of social media platforms to disseminate information, opportunities and experiences while protecting the integrity of the organization and its participants. Individuals posting content on behalf of NCURA Region VI do so as an NCURA volunteer and consistent with the Code of Conduct.


This charter is applicable to any users of NCURA Region VI platforms.


The Regional membership is fluid across a broad volunteer organization and social media platforms are intended to remain open and accessible. The sharing of relevant information is encouraged among the membership. However, only the Region VI Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer), or their designees, are official spokespersons of Region VI.

To ensure consistency across all platforms, announcements and other regional updates requesting official Region VI endorsement should be sent to the Region VI Chair or his/her delegate(s) for posting.

Posts should be limited to information directly related to the Region or a Regional activity and should not include personal experiences or information from non-Region activities. Participants must clearly identify themselves and, when not posting official Regional business, make it clear that they are speaking on behalf of themselves and not on behalf of the Region. When necessary, moderators may be employed to approve postings that use any of the official Region social identities.


The Region does not endorse information shared by participants that is not approved as official NCURA or NCURA RVI business.

Passwords and other access information are retained by the Region VI Chair and disseminated to authorized moderators and Region VI Officers.


Though the following platforms are the primary methods of communication on behalf of Region VI, these Guidelines apply to all technologies that allow members to communicate and share information:

· The Region VI Website
· Facebook - NCURA Region VI
· Twitter - @ncuraregionvi

The Region VI Website is the primary location for posting detailed information regarding all regional activities including but not limited to announcements, proposals, and meetings. It is the Region’s repository for documents related to Region VI activities.
Region VI Facebook and Twitter are used to disseminate current and relevant
Region information and updates such as calls for proposals, meeting updates,
volunteer opportunities, news and other updates that directly affect Region VI


Photos of individuals posted to any of the Region’s platforms must have approval from those photographed allowing the use of their image prior to posting.



The Social Media Guidelines apply to all participants across the Region VI social media platforms. Individuals posting content on behalf of NCURA Region VI do so as an NCURA volunteer and consistent with the Code of Conduct. In addition, the following practical guidance must be followed when posting any content, or operating as an identifiable
member of NCURA Region VI, on all platforms:

• Respect the audience: show proper consideration for others’ privacy and topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory. Members may not make any postings that express political views.
• Respect copyright: If it isn’t yours, don’t use it. Before posting someone else’s work, please check with the owner first.
• Do not cite or reference colleagues without their approval.
• Do not post personal information of others (e.g. names, addresses, phone numbers, email address, images, etc.) without their express written consent.

• Do not post material that is obscene, profane, libelous, defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, hateful or that advocates or encourages illegal activities.
• Tweets and retweets should not be written in a way that implies you are expressing a personal opinion. A retweet with no comment of your own can easily be seen as a sign of approval of what you are relaying.

Any person actively using these sites is implicitly agreeing to these rules regardless of whether they have been read or not. Posting privileges will be revoked from any member who knowingly violates the expectations set out in the Guidelines.


Any exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the NCURA Region VI Chair.

Social Media Guidelines

 ©2025 NCURA Region VI

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