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  • Laura Register

2019 Regional Meeting Registration Open

Updated: Aug 22, 2019

Research Administration Meets Bigfoot - Confronting mysteries & challenges in our changing environment

We are pleased to announce that Registration is OPEN for the Seattle Region VI & VII Meeting!

Early Bird Registration will be available through September 20, 2019.

Visit the Meeting Website to see the Preliminary Program. Be sure to keep checking the site for the most up-to-date details.

You can make hotel reservations at the Motif Seattle using our group's online registration link. Please be sure to print your reservation confirmation from the website as email confirmations will not be sent automatically.


Amanda Snyder, Region VI Chair

Diane Barrett, Region VII Chair

Our Commitment to Diversity & Inclusion: We want to offer you cutting-edge programs that meet your needs; know what volunteer opportunities you want; and enhance your professional network. Please take a moment to update your membership profile here. NCURA is committed to diversity and inclusion in all activities. The full Statement on Diversity and Inclusion can be found here.

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